Nineteen years and where have they gone
Now you’ve reached the end of the ‘teens
And the time that passed has swept you along,
Brought an amalgam of achievements and dreams –
A young lady now with elegant poise
And a lofty brow to warn impetuous boys.
Your foot is on the ladder’s first rung
To further your knowledge base
And the tales that are told and the songs that are sung
Say you will earn there an honourable place –
Though set on a scientific course
Your’re an historian with far ranging views,
And a sailor to set a steady course
Through all of life’s vicissitudes.
This pattern of life brings work and play
There are friends that will leave while others stay
But there are those who are with you all the way.
So, happy birthday Genny dear
You are loved and treasured by all here.

July 2013