I thank restraint within my busy mind
Where age has curbed the ecstasies of youth
And stilled the mental anguish, undermined
By re-routing the awkwardness of truth,
To banish isolation deep inside
Thus raising high the placid surrogate
And place it in a keeping sanctified
Where help and effort join to relegate
Those demons driving youths’ aspiring dreams.
An edifice with brick on brick is grown,
Where once a World beset by those extremes
Is turned around and is no more alone.
So one can smile and musingly accept
Today in peace life’s mysteries portend
And so on to the final lap have crept
To glory in the view of journey’s end.
Gratitude and love suffuses all my thoughts
Where still the spring of conscious tension run
In place of blind torment, sweet blessing wroughts
To find a home within that radiant sun.
March 2014