That’s where my range is pitched
As on a radio band;
Tell me what lies outside
And I’ll not understand.

In all things absolute
In what I think I know,
As age adjusts the span
So change the things on show.

Remember I the past
With all its certainties?
Until learning something new
Deny with facile ease.

Is what I newly learn
Nearer the truth I seek
Erasing all the past,
Or is my logic weak?

Or only circular
To chase an older tale
Which though a light to me
Make any progress fail?

Who am I that dare search
For some reality
Where sense and thought dissolve
Beyond polarity?

And is this searched for truth
Awaiting me to find
Arousing false hopes
Of Irrelevant mankind?

Shown from the ant-eye view
The largest volume see
Or, in the greater plan,
The sub-atomic me.

October 1993