A poem’s called for in the month of September;
Now if you give me a minute I’ll remember
What the occasion is all about –
Yes, now I recall without a doubt,
Seventeen years ago on this very day
Her Mum put Madeleine on display
And there were no ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ – or maybe
She was the finest Millennium baby.
With gifts and attributes galore
Madeleine has what it takes and more.
But seventeen years is a mere interlude
In showing the World your aptitude,
And as time passes like egg-timer sand
You will learn more to understand
That the future beckons and it’s bright
As you tackle life with all your might.
Play to your strengths, turn your back on trends
Where imitation starts talent ends.
So as birthdays come and go
Madeleine’s great Millennium show
Will bring with it love, health and happiness
As fortune’s benisons are there to bless.
And loved ones gather round this day
To launch our Madeleine on her way
9 September 2017